Call for papers - First-International-Conference


WHISC- Women in the Holocaust - International Study Center

Belgrade Conference - 10-12nd of October 2023

Institute for Philosophy and Social TheoryKraljice Natalije 45, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia


Call for Papers

The Moreshet Mordechai Anielevich Memorial Holocaust Study and Research Center, Givat Haviva, Israel is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for its inaugural International Conference on Women in the Holocaust.

The conference will take place on the 10-12nd of October 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. The working language of the conference will be in English.

The Conference

The Women in the Holocaust conference will be held in East-Central Europe, a region in which German Nazi occupation and racial policies intersected with competing nationalisms, shifting borders, and the sovereignty of nation states. This inaugural conference will be the first of a series of conferences to be held annually in Europe and Israel.

The history of the German Nazi persecution, expulsion, flight, deportation, and murder of Jewish and Roma women that took place during the Holocaust on the broader map of ethnic and other rifts and conflicts in East Central Europe, and beyond. The study of gender in the Holocaust confronts the question of how to fruitfully integrate the histories of occupation, antisemitism, and ethnic racism, as well as issues of competing victimhood in the various countries of East Central Europe remain a research challenge and a point of contention in public and scholarly debate. There also are scholarly challenges involved when one considers the intersectionality of religious, ethnic, and gender identities and the impact, tensions, and traumas they have produced.

The Women in the Holocaust conference wants to promote scholarly discussion and debate on the various divides, connections, and intersections that can be found in Holocaust and Gender Studies about women in the Holocaust.

The Women in the Holocaust conference aims to probe and challenge disciplinary boundaries to advance multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary inquiries into the subject of women in the Holocaust. The various conference streams include the methodological connections involved in placing the Holocaust in the context of social, cultural, and gender studies.

Conference organizers invite proposals examining the connection of Holocaust Studies to a variety of other research fields and disciplines, including, but not limited to, the social sciences, culture, memory studies, the arts, and education. We welcome proposals for papers that challenge both established and new disciplinary approaches to the study of the Holocaust, including proposals that address and incorporate the histories of migration (including refugees and displaced persons) focusing on women in the Holocaust.

We especially encourage the participation of younger scholars at the beginning of their careers as well as the participation of more established and experienced scholars in the Belgrade on the 10-12nd of October 2023.

Conference Streams

. Sex, Sexuality, Gender, Motherhood, and Other Uniquely Feminine Dilemmas During the Holocaust 
. Women and the Arts 
. Women in the Ghettos and in the Camps 
. Women in Politics and/or Opposed to the Nazi Regime 
. Teaching about Women in the Holocaust 
. Other Related Topics about Women in the Holocaust

Conference Organization

The Women in the Holocaust conference will be a “conference of the whole.” In other words, all conference panels will be held in plenary sessions. There will not be parallel sessions.

Conference panels will be moderated and will consist of presentations by three to four participants. Conference organizers will determine the make-up of each panel.

Conference plan:

10/10/2023 Arrival to Belgrade and settling in the different hotels

15:00 registration and light refreshments

16:00-17:30 greetings and the first panel

18 -19:00 Keynote lecture

19:00- welcome dinner


9:00-12:30 2 morning panels

13:00-14:00 lunch

14-16:00 short historical trip

17:30- 19:00 one panel


9:00-12:30 2 panels

13:14:00 lunch

15:00 -16:30 one panel

16:30-17:30 conference closure

The conference committee invites undergraduate students to participate in the conference and to present a poster or a basic research. One panel will be dedicated to young researchers at their first academic steps.

Conference Committee

Mr. Yaakov Asher, Executive Director, Israel

Dr. Vera Mevorah (Serbia)

Prof. Carol Rittner (USA)

Dr. Dragana Stojanović (Serbia)

Ms. Sonja Viličić (Serbia)

Prof. Lily Zamir, academic coordinator, (Israel)

Hotel suggestions:

Square Nine:  Same price for single and double room – 250EUR/night 

Mama Shalter:  Single room – 130EUR/night Double room – 150EUR/night

Royal Inn:  single room– 80 EUR/night double room (2 people) – 95 EUR/night 

Hotel Palace: Single room – 50 EUR/night Double room (2 people) – 70EUR per night Hostels options:

Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel: Different options and prices 

Hostel Che Belgrade:  Prices from 18EUR/night

Hostel Fine: Prices from 17EUR/night



More Information... |+972-46309248 |Givat Haviva, Mobile Post Menashe, 37850 Israel