Call for Submissions – Scholarships for Outstanding Doctoral Students – Academic Year 2025



We are pleased to announce that on academic year 2025 WHISC - Women in the Holocaust - International Study Center in Moreshet in partnership with the Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University, offers a doctoral fellowship to Ph.D. research students, writing a thesis on Women in the Holocaust.

The Center welcomes applications from those involved in the study of Women in the Holocaust including those taking an interdisciplinary point of view.

A crucial component of the Center’s mission is to foster knowledge of the fate of Holocaust Women. To that aim, the Center encourages applicants to submit innovative research projects.

Criteria for the selection of candidates

  1. Academic excellence
  2. Potential to be absorbed (on the long run) into academic cadres of higher education institutions (continuity of studies)
  3. High learning and research achievements, supported by recommendations and the candidates’ CV, as well as their academic ranking among their course mates/ class
  4. The importance of the research, its uniqueness and innovation
  5. Theoretical/ methodological/ applicative contribution of the research
  6. Academic/ human/ social breakthrough
  7. Publication, active participation in conferences, academic awards

Prerequisites for submitting a scholarship application:

Research applications should be written in English, and should include a summary of the research goals, methods, and proposed budget 30,000 NIS per 1 year for one researcher.

Two letters of recommendation letters are required. Applicants must be based at an acknowledged academic Institute. Applicants must submit his/her approval of the student’s collaboration

with the Center.

  1. Applicants must agree to acknowledge the financial support of the Center.
  2. The submission will be handed in with the approval of the applicants’Institute, and the supervisor's signature.
  3. The proposal must be the applicant’s Ph.D. research thesis.
  4.  The proposal is due 01/03/2025
  5. Applicants must submit two copies of the application: one with the applicants’ full name and affiliation, and the other without (to make sure that judges' decisions will be based on anonymous applications).

Commitments of the student after scholarship is approved:

  1. To complete the research work within the time course of scholarship reception.
  2. To request the University’s approval for any termination of studies to a period of six months or more. The University will not approve termination of studies which will exceed the period of one year.
  3. As part of the requirements for receiving the scholarship (with the intention of revealing the scholar's research), the scholars will be required to be active member of our educational center ( e.g. participate in our workshop, occasional lectures etc.)


  1. The full application is to be submitted to the Center by 01/03/2025.
  2. The applicant will submit his/her application for the grant in English.
  3. The document should be no more than 500 words printed in double space.
  4. The application must be signed by the mentor.
  5. Each proposal will be assigned to the reading by the Committee of experts affiliated with the Center
  6. The committee will be entitled to ask for amendments/explanation.
  7. If the proposal is approved by the committee, the sum of the grant will be discussed, but it will be up to 30,000 NIS, which will be paid on submission of scheduled research reports, the timing of the  student’s financial requirements, or submission of the full thesis.
  8. Applications will be discussed 01/04/2025 Scholarship recipients will be notified by the end of April.
  9. The final product will be published as a paper or chapter in one of the academic publications of Moreshet. The publication fee will be provided by Moreshet. Scholarship recipients are obliged to mention the scholarship Fund accurately in any reports or publications of the research.

The signed forms and enclosed documents are to be submitted in English no later than
March 1, 2025 through an online form here

Extension beyond March 1, 2025, will not be permitted. Candidate files with missing documents will not be reviewed. 

The fellowships will be announced in a festive Zoom event, in which the winners will introduce their research to the participants.

For questions regarding the scholarship you can contact Prof Lily Zamir: