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About Us
About Us
WHISC - Academic Steering Committee
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Virtual Lectures
Academic Articles
Did Gender Matter during the Holocaust?
Experience and Expression: Women, the Nazis, and the Holocaust
Lessons Learned from Gentle Heroism: Women's Holocaust Narratives
Maternal, not paternal, PTSD is related to increased risk for PTSD in offspring of Holocaust survivors
On Women’s Bodies
Sexual Abuse and Deviancy
The ‘threat’ of female ‘asocials’ in the Third Reich
You Said the Words You Wanted Me to Hear
108 Jewish Heroines
Faces of Resistance
Women Biographies
Adélaïde Hautval
Aliza Baruch
Anna Pawełczyńska
Chasia Bornstein-Bielicka
Elisabeth Landmann
Esther (Etty) Hillesum
Estreya (Mara) Ovadia
Frida Belifante
Gisella Perl
Ida Cook & Louise Cook
Irena Adamowicz
Irena Sendler
Jane Haining
Johanna Lipke
Friedl Dicker-Brandeis
Gertrud Luckner
Gisela (Gisi) Fleischmann
Haika Grossman
Haviva (Marta) Reik
Livia Bitton-Jackson
Malva Schaleck
Marianne Cohn
Milena Jesenska & Margarete Buber-Neumann
Rachel Auerbach
Regina Jonas
Roza Robota
Rozka Korchak
Sister Agnes
Sofka Skipwith
Stefania (Stefa) Wilczyńska
Teofila (Tosia) Reich-Ranicki
Tosia Altman
Valentina Freimane
Vitka Kempner -Kovner
Zivia Lubetkin
About our Workshops
Women’s Testimonies
Women's Fate in the Ghettos during Holocaust in the Eyes of the Artists
Resistance: both rebellions and metaphysical/existential resistance
Sex, sexuality, and sexual abuse
Women's Spaces of Existence: Gendered Everyday Perspectives on the Holocaust
Women’s Spaces of Existence
Call of Papers
Call for Scholarship Submission
Our Fellows
Our Fellows
Hana G. Green
Claire Topsom
Belgrade Conference
Conference program
Infosheet Belgrade
General recommendations
The Conference in Pictures
Recorded panels
Second International Conference on Women in the Holocaust
Call for Papers
Schedule - Second International Conference on Women in the Holocaust
Recorded Panels: Second International Conference on Women in the Holocaust
Virtual Activities
Virtual Activities
Building Educational Programs
Workshop Schedule
Lecture & Lectures
Recordings from the workshop
International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024
Women Voices From Auschwitz (Panel I)
Women Voices From Auschwitz (Panel II)
Women as Saviors (Panel 1)
Women as Saviors (Panel 2)
Women in the Resistance
Women in different forms of unarmed resistance
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Dr. Borbála Klacsmann
The gendered aspect of compensation for the victims of medical experiments
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About Us
About Us
WHISC - Academic Steering Committee
Donate to WHISC
Contact Us
Virtual Lectures
Academic Articles
Did Gender Matter during the Holocaust?
Experience and Expression: Women, the Nazis, and the Holocaust
Lessons Learned from Gentle Heroism: Women's Holocaust Narratives
Maternal, not paternal, PTSD is related to increased risk for PTSD in offspring of Holocaust survivors
On Women’s Bodies
Sexual Abuse and Deviancy
The ‘threat’ of female ‘asocials’ in the Third Reich
You Said the Words You Wanted Me to Hear
108 Jewish Heroines
Faces of Resistance
Women Biographies
Adélaïde Hautval
Aliza Baruch
Anna Pawełczyńska
Chasia Bornstein-Bielicka
Elisabeth Landmann
Esther (Etty) Hillesum
Estreya (Mara) Ovadia
Frida Belifante
Gisella Perl
Ida Cook & Louise Cook
Irena Adamowicz
Irena Sendler
Jane Haining
Johanna Lipke
Friedl Dicker-Brandeis
Gertrud Luckner
Gisela (Gisi) Fleischmann
Haika Grossman
Haviva (Marta) Reik
Livia Bitton-Jackson
Malva Schaleck
Marianne Cohn
Milena Jesenska & Margarete Buber-Neumann
Rachel Auerbach
Regina Jonas
Roza Robota
Rozka Korchak
Sister Agnes
Sofka Skipwith
Stefania (Stefa) Wilczyńska
Teofila (Tosia) Reich-Ranicki
Tosia Altman
Valentina Freimane
Vitka Kempner -Kovner
Zivia Lubetkin
About our Workshops
Women’s Testimonies
Women's Fate in the Ghettos during Holocaust in the Eyes of the Artists
Resistance: both rebellions and metaphysical/existential resistance
Sex, sexuality, and sexual abuse
Women's Spaces of Existence: Gendered Everyday Perspectives on the Holocaust
Women’s Spaces of Existence
Call of Papers
Call for Scholarship Submission
Our Fellows
Our Fellows
Hana G. Green
Claire Topsom
Belgrade Conference
Conference program
Infosheet Belgrade
General recommendations
The Conference in Pictures
Recorded panels
Second International Conference on Women in the Holocaust
Call for Papers
Schedule - Second International Conference on Women in the Holocaust
Recorded Panels: Second International Conference on Women in the Holocaust
Virtual Activities
Virtual Activities
Building Educational Programs
Workshop Schedule
Lecture & Lectures
Recordings from the workshop
International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024
Women Voices From Auschwitz (Panel I)
Women Voices From Auschwitz (Panel II)
Women as Saviors (Panel 1)
Women as Saviors (Panel 2)
Women in the Resistance
Women in different forms of unarmed resistance
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